Staffs Masters, Stafford, 15 April 2023

For many the Staffs Masters at Stafford provided the first opportunity of the season to compete.

Sixteen Black Country n Potteries members took part, with newcomers Roger, Ian, David, Steve and Athene swelling the ranks, and Sharon making a welcome return following a lengthy absence from the pool events.

Martyn Finney and Lionel Spittle led the successes, with Martyn claiming 3 new Staffs records and 3 wins, Lionel set 3 new records and provided 2 wins. New recruit, Roger Crannage made the record administrator open a new age group category, as the nimble 83 year won 2 events, both were recorded as county records in a newly created 80-85 year old age group. Another newbie, Ian Hicks showed his form by winning 2 events and setting a new 100m IM county record.

Jacq Mann led the women’s successes with 2 wins and 2 records, with Justine and Kath both lowering their own records set last year. Diane (6) and Justine (5) racked up a host of events each towards the prestigious National Women’s Decathlon competition.

BCPM relays teams provided another 4 wins, bringing the grand total to 26 county championship titles. Not a bad day at the office!

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